The US government is paralyzed from midnight





An hour after the House of Representatives, the US Senate also adjourned Friday night without being able to reach an agreement to avoid the partial paralysis of the federal government at midnight.

Senators gave themselves rendezvous at noon on Saturday to resume negotiations.

Donald Trump 002


The main representatives of Mr. Trump tried to negotiate a last-minute compromise with Democrats and some Republican lawmakers. However, despite the presence of the vice president Mike Pence, the Acting Chief of Staff of the White House Mick Mulvaney and close adviser to President Jared Kushner, no agreement has been concluded.

President Donald Trump insists on a budget of five billion dollars for the construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border. A request that the Democratic Party strongly rejects.

Without an agreement on the budget, financing about 25 percent of the US federal government activities end at midnight.

Nine departments and dozens of agencies are affected including homeland security, transportation, agriculture and justice. Hundreds of thousands of federal employees will find themselves on leave or are forced to work without pay few days before Christmas.

At the signing of a bill to the White House, Donald Trump said the government was « fully prepared for a very long paralysis », although almost no one expects such a thing.

The president has tried to blame the Democrats, although he argued last week that it would be « proud » to claim responsibility paralysis of the government in its struggle for the construction of the wall. Campaigning it two years ago, Mr. Trump declared that the wall would erect « so fast you’ll headaches. » He also promised that Mexico would pay the price, what Mexico said he never will.

« This is our only chance (…) to have excellent security at the border, » said Donald Trump Friday at the White House. Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives in January and will oppose the massive financing of the construction of a wall.

There is just one week, Mr. Trump insisted in a televised meeting that was held in the White House to take responsibility for a partial suspension of the activities of government in order to get the Wall its border. « It is I who shut up, » he said.

But with hours elapsing before the deadline of midnight, he sought to redefine the debate and blame Democrats deadlock that threatens hundreds of thousands of federal employees during the holiday season.

The White House said that Mr. Trump would not go to Florida on Friday as planned for the Christmas holidays if the government was closing.




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Missions Apollo : La Russie veut vérifier si le voyage des Américains sur la Lune n’était pas un canular [Vidéo]

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Lost civilisations:Antikythera shipwreck yields more treasures

The wreckage was discovered in 1900
Divers have recovered several statue pieces and a mystery bronze disc from the 2,000-year-old shipwreck.

Located on the sea floor off the island of Antikythera, the ancient sailing vessel, which is believed to be one of the largest Roman era ships ever found, was originally home to the famous Antikythera mechanism, an early ‘computer’ that was used by seafarers to chart the motion of the planets.

First discovered by sponge divers 117 years ago, the wreck has yielded a great number of fascinating items and now, following a series of recent dives, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of seven large bronze statues as well as a mysterious bronze disc decorated with the image of a bull.

Described as ‘extremely exciting’, the statue finds are particularly important because only a small number of bronze statues are known to have survived from the ancient world and most have been altered or treated in some way by previous conservators, destroying vital information.

So far only a few mismatched limbs have been found however divers are now focusing their efforts on locating the rest of the pieces which must still be down in the wreckage somewhere.

If they succeed, it could significantly enhance our knowledge of that particular time period.

« What we’re finding is these sculptures are in among and under the boulders, » said excavation team co-director Brendan Foley of Lund University. « We think it means a minimum of seven, and potentially nine, bronze sculptures still waiting for us down there. »      


Blade Runner 2049 à la tête du box -office américain

blade runner 2049



La suite du film culte de Ridley Scott, Blade Runner 2049, occupe la première place du box-office nord-américain après sa première fin de semaine en salles.

Selon les chiffres publiés par Exhibitor Relations, le film a récolté 31,5 millions de dollars aux États-Unis et au Canada en trois jours.

Réalisé par le Québécois Denis Villeneuve, Blade Runner 2049 devance La montagne entre nous et le film d’honneur Ça.

Ces résultats sont toutefois inférieurs aux estimations prévues : le film de science-fiction devait récolter entre 45 et 50 millions de dollars la première fin de semaine, soit l’équivalent de ce que le succès de 2015 Mad Max : Fury Road avait amassé.

Les attentes étaient élevées, notamment en raison des critiques dithyrambiques à l’endroit de Blade Runner 2049. En se basant sur 239 critiques, l’agrégateur Rotten Tomatoes, qui compile les critiques de film, a donné un score de 89 % à la suite de Blade Runner.


Le film de Denis Villeneuve se déroule une trentaine d’années après les évènements du film de Ridley Scott. Ryan Gosling y joue l’officier K, un Blade Runner, qui suit les traces de son prédécesseur, Rick Deckard, incarné par Harrison Ford.