Albert Jacquard, il grande genetista e umanista morirono ieri


Che sorpresa mi ha regalato leggendo la notizia , solo ora : Albert Jacquard è morto ieri .

Breve biografia :

Il genetista e di sinistra Albert Jacquard morirono Mercoledì 11 settembre nella sua casa di Parigi ( quartiere sesto ) , all’età di 87 anni, secondo il figlio . Il Politecnico , nato 23 Dicembre 1925 , che era quello di onorare l’associazione Diritto alla Casa ( DAL) Presidente , è stato spazzato via da una forma di leucemia , ha detto.


Proveniente da una famiglia della buona società Lyon , Albert Jacquard ricevuto Polytechnique 20 anni dopo nel 1951 e tra Seita ( azienda nazionale che produce tabacco e fiammiferi ) per lavorare sulla creazione di un precoce sistemi informatici . Dopo un breve periodo di lavoro presso il Ministero della Salute Pubblica , ha unito l’Istituto nazionale di studi demografici ( INED ) nel 1962 . Ma si avvicina quaranta e  » rendiamo conto che non siamo eterni e non vogliamo rovinare la sua vita a cose ridicole .  » Albert Jacquard poi è andato a studiare la genetica di popolazione nella prestigiosa Università americana di Stanford , poi ritorna alle INED e ha trascorso due dottorati nel campo della genetica e della biologia umana nel progresso. Oltre alla didattica e il suo esperto per l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ( OMS) il lavoro , sarà poi cesserà di rimuovere le teorie cosiddette scientifiche razziste e gli argomenti saranno testimoni anche nel 1987 al processo contro Klaus nazista Barbie per crimini contro l’umanità . I suoi primi libri, come « Lodate la differenza : la genetica e l’uomo  » (1978 ) si incontrano un grande successo che non mancherà , anche quando la deriva verso la filosofia , la scienza popolare o umanesimo anti- liberale. Il suo impegno Pr Jacquard antipatie liberalismo e sarà anche candidato al Parlamento di Parigi nel 1986 , sostenuta da vari movimenti della sinistra alternativa , poi nel 1999 la lista lista ambientalista guidato da Daniel Cohn- Bendit ( in posizione 84a ) . Nel 1990, Albert Jacquard metterà la sua verve dei media che serve un altro motivo : l’ inadeguato ospitato e non documentate . Impiego di un drago Street edificio nel 1994 , la Chiesa di San Bernardo nel 1996 … suo volto vecchi fauna greca diventa rapidamente familiare come quello del Abbé Pierre , Gaillot o Emmanuelle Béart , i suoi compagni . Età assistono, presidente onorario della LAD era stato più discreto , pur continuando a sostenere i poveri e spingendo declamazioni , come nella sua rubrica quotidiana su France Culture 2001-2010 .


E ‘stato un uomo di sinistra , ma non toglie l’uomo che era tutta la sua valeur.C è un uomo nobile che ha combattuto per cause nobili .

Penso che la sua lotta continua anche dopo la sua morte . Inoltre, io continuerò ad ispirarmi con le sue idee .

Quando ascolto i suoi video o quando l’ho letto , mi sento più umana , più aperta e compassionevole verso i miei simili .

Inoltre , in memoria di un grande uomo , Albert Jacquard , ecco un articolo pubblicato 7 ottobre 2009 :
La consapevolezza del pericolo salvare l’umanità

Egli può aver superato i 80 anni , l’ intellettuale francese Albert Jacquard non continui a meno che non indossa il suo appello per una società più giusta e sostenibile , l’unico modo per evitare di niente di meno che la fine dell’avventura umana . Le Devoir ha incontrato mentre stava attraversando Quebec .

Albert Jacquard messaggio è chiaro : o l’umanità fuori dalla corsa per la crescita economica eterna e continua a considerare le risorse del pianeta come infinito , o si troverà di fronte il suo naufragio in un futuro non molto tempo fa .

E la profonda recessione che ha colpito il mondo lo deve servire come un primo passo per pensare a come evitare il peggio .

L’intellettuale francese si rifiuta anche di caratterizzare battute d’arresto globali dell’ultimo anno della « crisi « . « Quello che stiamo attraversando , non è una crisi, è una mutazione . Una crisi , finisce , come tutto il parlare della « crisi « . Ma per me , non c’è crisi in una avventura umana con conseguenze così gravi . Ci sono cambiamenti , vale a dire che ci sono opportunità per sviluppare nuove idee , in particolare nel settore economico .  »

Perché è urgente ripensare il nostro rapporto con ciò che egli chiama la dottrina della  » crescita « , visto come un modo per uscire dalla stasi e andare avanti.  » Se la crescita significa che la crescita dei consumi , è un inganno che non può durare , ha detto durante un incontro con Le Devoir . Coloro che predicano la crescita dei consumi nei paesi in cui i bisogni primari sono già più che soddisfatto , sono più dannosi di diffondere i loro spacciatori.  »

Il modo migliore per sollevare la questione sarebbe la questione della disponibilità delle risorse della Terra , sprecati senza un adeguato sistema di ritenuta , soprattutto a partire dall’inizio dell’era industriale. Questo è il caso , per esempio , gli stock ittici nel mondo che dovrebbero essere esauriti nel giro di pochi decenni , secondo il Programma delle Nazioni Unite per l’Ambiente . Eppure miliardi di persone dipendono in gran parte per il loro cibo quotidiano . Cosa fare? « Sappiamo che non ci lascerà la Terra per colonizzare un altro pianeta . La domanda che dovremmo porci , per tutte le risorse è il modo in cui distribuire .  »

Questo non è certamente il caso attualmente .  » Il modo in cui gli economisti spesso trascurano di prendere in considerazione la finitezza della Terra è significativo del comportamento umano verso di lei, Albert Jacquard osserva giustamente nel suo ultimo libro , Il conto alla rovescia è iniziato ? . In molte aree , il livello di guardia è stato superato , in particolare l’uso di risorse non rinnovabili , che è il caso di fonti di energia, gas , carbone e petrolio , per esempio. Il più veloce possibile fermare la distruzione in corso è necessaria al fine di ritardare o addirittura evitare il burnout .  »

Generazioni a venire

La cosa è tanto più essenziale che il Politecnico e genetista 83 anni insiste sul fatto che le ricchezze che hanno avuto milioni di anni per formare appartengono anche « per le generazioni che verranno .  » Mentre l’idea può sembrare un luogo comune , la sua attuazione richiederebbe niente di meno che la creazione di una struttura di  » governance globale « , dice Jacquard . « Non si può immaginare che sei miliardi di persone possono fare a meno di organizzare i poteri e senza stabilire una democrazia globale . O questo non è possibile, allora è finita, o è possibile e dobbiamo provare .  »

Programma ampio , specialmente quando si osserva la complessità talvolta kafkiano di grandi strutture come l’ONU o quando i negoziati sul protocollo di Kyoto .  » Vi è una scelta della società , dice Jacquard . Possiamo ammettere che la vita umana deve essere riassunta nella lotta contro l’altro , il cosiddetto liberalismo ? Oppure, nel corso di una vita, possiamo provare a raggiungere certi ideali « , come il miglioramento della salute di tutti , la conservazione delle risorse e la protezione dell’ambiente ?

E questo creerà una società che è sia  » giusto e sostenibile « , « crescita a tutti i costi  » deviata deve essere radicato nel sistema educativo . « Gli eventi dell’estate 2008 sembrano aver fatto progressi in diverse fasi il conto alla rovescia che porta al disastro economico e nota l’autore nel suo ultimo libro . Fortunatamente, la consapevolezza del pericolo , troppo , è aumentato. Essa ci può aiutare a evitare il peggio . Il risultato dipende dalla chiarezza e il sistema di istruzione .  »

A condizione , naturalmente , non è sfruttato come strumento per la formazione della forza lavoro  » competitivo  » in un « mercato  » della conoscenza . « La scuola è al servizio di coloro che si rivolgono ad essa per la aiuta ad essere se stessi , non al servizio della società. E non è responsabile di fornire pronto umano ha bisogno. « Egli ha anche denunciato la tendenza a introdurre sempre di più il concetto di  » concorrenza  » nel vocabolario della formazione . « Per me , questo è un vero scandalo . L’obiettivo non è quello di dare i mezzi per combattere contro l’altro , ma piuttosto per incontrare gli altri. Pertanto , è necessario un sistema educativo che ignora le classifiche .  »

Nonostante la grandezza del compito che Albert Jacquard vuole vedere l’umanità tackle , rifiuta l’etichetta di « catastrofico  » o  » utopica « . « Anche se sono per certo molto rivoluzionario , queste idee si depositano in nome di una realtà », egli crede . Come prova , le sue conferenze attirato molte persone provenienti da ambienti diversi . « Io non ho una soluzione , è però poco chiaro . Il mio obiettivo non è quello di costruire la società di domani , è di dimostrare che esso non sembra oggi . Perché questo è se il pericolo c’è ? Sì , il rischio c’è ed è un rischio enorme , perché potrebbe essere la fine dell’umanità .  »


CITAZIONI da ricordare:

o il genere umano lontano dalla corsa per la crescita economica eterno o si troverà di fronte il proprio naufragio
è urgente ripensare il nostro rapporto con il dogma della  » crescita  »
« Non si può immaginare che sei miliardi di persone possono fare a meno di organizzare i poteri e senza stabilire una democrazia globale .  »

Riposa in pace  » Big Man  » , la tua lotta continua!

Albert Jacquard, el gran genetista y humanista murieron ayer

albert-jacquardQué sorpresa Acabo de leer la noticia , ahora mismo : Albert Jacquart murió ayer.

Breve biografía :

El genetista e izquierdistas Albert Jacquard murieron el miércoles 11 de septiembre en su casa de París (distrito VI ) a la edad de 87 años, según su hijo. El politécnico , nacido el 23 de diciembre de 1925 , que era en honor a la asociación Derecho a la Presidente de la Vivienda ( DAL ) , fue arrastrado por una forma de leucemia , dijo.


De una familia de buena sociedad Lyon Venida, Albert Jacquard se recibe Polytechnique 20 años más tarde , en 1951 , y entre Seita ( empresa nacional dedicada a la fabricación de tabaco y fósforos ) para trabajar en la creación de uno de los primeros sistemas informáticos. Después de un breve paso por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, se incorporó al Instituto Nacional de Estudios Demográficos ( INED ) en 1962. Pero se acerca cuarenta y  » conscientes de que no somos eternos y no queremos echar a perder su vida en cosas ridículas .  » Albert Jacquard y luego se fue a estudiar la genética de poblaciones en la prestigiosa universidad estadounidense de Stanford , luego regresa a las INED y pasó dos doctorados en la genética y la biología humana con calma. Además de la enseñanza y su experto para la Organización Mundial de la Salud ( OMS), el trabajo , entonces se dejará de eliminar las teorías supuestamente científicas racistas y argumentos serán testigos incluso en 1987 en el juicio de Klaus Nazi Barbie por crímenes contra la humanidad. Sus primeros libros , como  » Praise la diferencia : la genética y los hombres » ( 1978 ) se encuentran en un gran éxito que no va a fallar, incluso cuando la deriva hacia la filosofía , la ciencia popular o de humanismo anti- liberal. Su compromiso Pr Jacquard disgustos liberalismo y también candidato al Parlamento de París en 1986 , sostenido por diversos movimientos de la izquierda alternativa y, a continuación , en 1999 la lista de la lista ecologista liderada por Daniel Cohn- Bendit ( en la posición 84 ª ) . En la década de 1990 , Albert Jacquard pondrá su brío medios sirviendo otra causa : la vivienda inadecuada e indocumentados . La ocupación de un edificio de la calle del Dragón en 1994 , la Iglesia de San Bernardo en 1996 … su cara fauna griegos antiguos se convierte rápidamente en tan familiar como la del Abbé Pierre, Gaillot o Emmanuelle Béart , sus camaradas. Edad prestar asistencia, presidente de honor de la DA había sido más discreto sin dejar de apoyar a los pobres y empujando diatribas , como en su columna diaria en France Culture 2001-2010 .


Ha sido un hombre de izquierda , que no restringe el hombre que fue durante toda su valeur.C es un hombre noble que luchó por las causas nobles .

Creo que su lucha continúa incluso después de su muerte . Además, voy a seguir para inspirarme con sus ideas.

Cuando escucho sus vídeos o cuando lo leí, me siento más humano , más abierto y compasivo con mis semejantes .

Además, en la memoria de un gran hombre , Albert Jacquard , aquí está un artículo publicado 07 de octubre 2009 :
Conciencia del peligro salvar a la humanidad

Es posible que haya superado 80 años , el intelectual francés Albert Jacquard no continúa a menos que use su llamado a una sociedad más justa y sostenible , la única manera de evitar nada menos que el fin de la aventura humana . Le Devoir ha conocido mientras estaba de paso por Quebec.

Mensaje de Albert Jacquard es clara: o la humanidad fuera de la carrera por el crecimiento económico eterno y continúa considerando los recursos del planeta como infinito , o se enfrentará a su propio naufragio en un futuro no hace mucho tiempo .

Y la profunda recesión que afectó al mundo que le debe servir como un primer paso en la reflexión sobre la manera de evitar lo peor.

El intelectual francés se niega también a caracterizar reveses globales del último año de « crisis « . « Lo que estamos viviendo, que no es una crisis, es una mutación. Una crisis , que termina, como todo el hablar de la « crisis « . Pero para mí, no hay crisis en una aventura humana , con consecuencias tan graves . Hay cambios , es decir que hay oportunidades para desarrollar nuevas ideas , especialmente en el sector económico.  »

Debido a la urgencia de repensar nuestra relación con lo que él llama la doctrina de « crecimiento  » que se ve como una forma de salir del bache y seguir adelante.  » Si el crecimiento significa crecimiento en el consumo , es un engaño que no puede durar , dijo durante una reunión con Le Devoir . Los que predican el crecimiento del consumo en los países donde las necesidades básicas ya están más que satisfechos , son más dañinos que la difusión de sus traficantes.  »

La mejor manera de plantear la cuestión sería la cuestión de la disponibilidad de los recursos de la Tierra , perdido sin restricción adecuada , especialmente desde el comienzo de la era industrial. Este es el caso , por ejemplo, las poblaciones de peces en el mundo que deben ser agotados en pocas décadas , de acuerdo con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente. Sin embargo, miles de millones de personas dependen en gran medida de su alimentación diaria . ¿Qué hacer? « Sabemos que no vamos a dejar la Tierra para colonizar otro planeta. La pregunta que debemos hacernos , por todos los medios es cómo se distribuyen .  »

Esto ciertamente no es el caso en la actualidad. « La manera economistas a menudo descuidan a tener en cuenta la finitud de la Tierra es significativo de la conducta humana hacia ella, Albert Jacquard señala con razón en su más reciente libro, La cuenta atrás ha comenzado ? . En muchas zonas, el nivel de alerta se ha superado , sobre todo en el uso de recursos no renovables, como es el caso de la energía , el gas , el carbón y el petróleo de fuentes , por ejemplo. El más rápido posible detener la destrucción continua es necesaria con el fin de retrasar o incluso evitar el desgaste .  »

Las generaciones venideras

La cosa es aún más esencial que la politécnica y genetista de 83 años insiste en que las riquezas que han tenido millones de años para formarse también pertenecen  » a las generaciones venideras .  » Si bien la idea puede parecer un lugar común , su aplicación no exige nada menos que la creación de una estructura de « gobernanza global », dice Jacquard .  » No te puedes imaginar que seis millones de personas pueden salir adelante sin los poderes de organización y sin el establecimiento de una democracia global. O esto no es posible, entonces se acabó , o es posible y tenemos que intentarlo.  »

Programa ancha, sobre todo al observar la complejidad a veces kafkiano de grandes estructuras como la ONU o cuando las negociaciones sobre el Protocolo de Kyoto . « Hay una elección de la sociedad , dice Jacquard . ¿Podemos admitir que la vida humana debe resumirse en la lucha contra el otro , llamado liberalismo ? O bien, durante toda la vida, podemos tratar de alcanzar ciertos ideales « , tales como la mejora de la salud de todos , la conservación de los recursos y la protección del medio ambiente?

Y esto va a crear una sociedad que es a la vez  » justo y sostenible  » « crecimiento a cualquier costo  » desviada debe basarse en el sistema educativo.  » Los acontecimientos del verano de 2008 parecen haber avanzado en varias etapas de la cuenta regresiva que conduce al desastre económico y el autor señala en su último libro . Afortunadamente , la conciencia del peligro, también se ha incrementado. Nos puede ayudar a evitar lo peor. El pronóstico depende de la claridad y el sistema educativo .  »

Siempre , por supuesto , no está explotado como una herramienta para la formación de la fuerza de trabajo « competitivo  » en un « mercado  » del conocimiento .  » La escuela está al servicio de los que acuden a él para que le ayuda a ser ellos mismos , y no al servicio de la sociedad. No es responsable de proporcionar listas humano que necesita.  » También denunció la tendencia a introducir cada vez más el concepto de  » competencia « en el vocabulario de la educación. « Para mí , esto es un verdadero escándalo . El objetivo no es dar los medios para luchar contra el otro , sino más bien para satisfacer a los demás. Por lo tanto , es necesario un sistema educativo que hace caso omiso de los gráficos .  »

A pesar de la magnitud de la tarea que Albert Jacquard quiere ver tackle humanidad , se niega la etiqueta de  » catastrófica » o  » utópico « . « Incluso si son para algunos muy revolucionaria , estas ideas se asientan en el nombre de una realidad « , opina . Como prueba, sus conferencias atrajeron a mucha gente de diferentes orígenes .  » No tengo una solución , es sin embargo incierto. Mi objetivo no es construir la sociedad del mañana , es para demostrar que no se ve como en la actualidad. Porque eso es si el peligro está ahí ? Sí , el peligro está ahí y es un gran riesgo , ya que podría ser el fin de la humanidad .  »



o la humanidad fuera de la carrera por el crecimiento económico eterna o se enfrentará a su propio naufragio
es urgente repensar nuestra relación con el dogma del « crecimiento »
 » No te puedes imaginar que seis millones de personas pueden salir adelante sin los poderes de organización y sin el establecimiento de una democracia global.  »

Descanse en paz el hombre grande , a mantener a la lucha!

Albert Jacquard, the great geneticist and humanist died yesterday


What a surprise I just got by reading the news , just now : Albert Jacquard died yesterday .

Short biography :

The geneticist and leftist Albert Jacquard died Wednesday , September 11 at his home in Paris (sixth district) at the age of 87 years , according to his son . The polytechnic , born December 23, 1925 , which was to honor the association Right to Housing ( DAL ) President , was swept away by a form of leukemia , he said .


Coming from a family of good society Lyon , Albert Jacquard is received Polytechnique 20 years later in 1951 and between Seita ( national company that manufactures tobacco and matches ) to work on the establishment of an early computer systems. After a brief stint at the Ministry of Public Health , he joined the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED ) in 1962. But approaching forty and  » realize that we are not eternal and we do not want to spoil his life at ridiculous things. » Albert Jacquard then went to study population genetics in the prestigious American University of Stanford, then returns to the INED and spent two doctorates in genetics and human biology in stride. In addition to teaching and his expert to the World Health Organization (WHO) work , it will then cease to remove the supposedly scientific racist theories and arguments will witness even in 1987 at the trial of Nazi Klaus Barbie for crimes against humanity. His first books , such as  » Praise the difference : genetics and man  » (1978) meet a great success that will not fail , even when drift towards philosophy, popular science or anti- liberal humanism . His commitment Pr Jacquard dislikes liberalism and it will also parliamentary candidate in Paris in 1986, sustained by various movements of the alternative left , then in 1999 the environmentalist list list led by Daniel Cohn- Bendit ( in 84th position). In the 1990s , Albert Jacquard will put its media verve serving another cause : the inadequately housed and undocumented . Occupation of a Dragon Street building in 1994 , the Church of St. Bernard in 1996 … his face old Greek fauna quickly becomes as familiar as that of the Abbé Pierre , Gaillot or Emmanuelle Béart , his comrades . Age assisting, honorary president of the LAD had been more discreet while continuing to support the poor and pushing rants , as in his daily column on France Culture from 2001 to 2010.


He ‘s been a man of the left , it does not detract from the man he was throughout his valeur.C is a noble man who fought for noble causes.

I think his fight continues even after his death. Also , I will continue to inspire me with his ideas.

When I listen to his videos or when I read it, I feel more human, more open and compassionate to my fellow men .

Also, in memory of a great man, Albert Jacquard , here is an article published Oct. 7, 2009 :
Awareness of danger save humanity

He may have exceeded 80 years , the French intellectual Albert Jacquard does not continue unless wearing his call for a more just and sustainable society , the only way to avoid anything less than the end of the human adventure . Le Devoir has met while he was passing through Quebec .

Albert Jacquard message is clear : either humanity away from the race for eternal economic growth and continues to consider the planet’s resources as infinite , or it will face its own shipwreck in a future not so long ago .

And the deep recession that hit the world should serve him as a first step in thinking about how to avoid the worst .

The French intellectual refuses also to characterize global setbacks of the last year of « crisis. » « What we are going through , it’s not a crisis, it is a mutation . A crisis , it ends , as all the talking of the  » crisis . » But for me, there is no crisis in a human adventure with such serious consequences. There are changes , that is to say that there are opportunities to develop new ideas, especially in the economic sector.  »

Because it is urgent to rethink our relationship with what he calls the doctrine of « growth » seen as one way out of the doldrums and move on. « If growth means growth in consumption , it is a deception that can not last , he said during a meeting with Le Devoir. Those who preach the growth of consumption in countries where basic needs are already more than satisfied , are more harmful than spreading their drug dealers .  »

The best way to raise the issue would be the question of the availability of resources of the Earth, wasted without proper restraint , especially since the beginning of the industrial era. This is the case , for example, fish stocks in the world that should be exhausted within a few decades , according to the United Nations Program for the Environment . Yet billions of people depend largely for their daily food . What to do?  » We know we will not leave Earth to colonize another planet. The question we should be asking , for all resources is how they distribute .  »

This is certainly not the case at present . « The way economists often neglect to take into account the finiteness of the Earth is significant of human behavior towards her , Albert Jacquard rightly notes in his most recent book, The countdown has begun? . In many areas , the alert level has been exceeded, particularly in the use of non-renewable resources, which is the case of energy , gas , coal and oil sources for example . The fastest possible stop the ongoing destruction is required with the aim to delay or even avoid burnout .  »

Generations to come

The thing is all the more essential that the polytechnic and geneticist 83 years insists that the riches which have taken millions of years to form also belong  » to generations yet unborn . » While the idea may seem like common place , its implementation would require nothing less than the establishment of a structure of « global governance , » says Jacquard . « You can not imagine that six billion people can get by without organizing powers and without establishing a global democracy. Or this is not possible, then it’s over , or it is possible and we have to try .  »

Wide program, especially when observing the sometimes Kafkaesque complexity of large structures such as the UN or when negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol . « There is a societal choice , says Jacquard . Can we admit that human life should be summarized in the fight against the other , so-called liberalism ? Or , during a lifetime, we can try to achieve certain ideals ,  » such as improving the health of all , the conservation of resources and protection of the environment?

And this will create a society that is both  » just and sustainable  » diverted « growth at all costs  » must be rooted in the educational system. « The events of the summer of 2008 seem to have made progress in several steps the countdown leading to economic disaster and the author notes in his latest book . Fortunately , awareness of the danger, too, has increased . It can help us to avoid the worst. The outcome depends on the clarity and the education system.  »

Provided , of course, it is not exploited as a tool for training the workforce « competitive » in a « market  » of knowledge . « The school is in the service of those who turn to it for it helps to be themselves , not in the service of society. It is not responsible to provide human ready it needs .  » He also denounced the tendency to introduce more and more the concept of » competition « in the vocabulary of education. « For me, this is a real scandal. The goal is not to give the means to fight against the other , but rather to meet the others. Therefore, it is necessary to an educational system that ignores the charts.  »

Despite the magnitude of the task that Albert Jacquard wants to see humanity tackle , he refuses the label  » catastrophic  » or  » utopian . » « Even if they are for some very revolutionary , these ideas settle in the name of a reality, » he believes. As proof, his lectures attracted many people from various backgrounds. « I do not have a solution , it is however unclear. My goal is not to build the society of tomorrow , is to show that it does not look like today . Because that is whether or not the danger is there ? Yes , the danger is there and it is a huge risk because it could be the end of humanity.  »



 »   or mankind away from the race for eternal economic growth or it will face its own shipwreck. »
 »    it is urgent to rethink our relationship with the dogma of the « growth ».
« You can not imagine that six billion people can get by without organizing powers and without establishing a global democracy.  »

Rest in peace big man , keep up the fight!

Albert Jacquard ,le grand généticien et humaniste est mort hier


Quelle surprise je viens d’avoir en faisant la lecture des nouvelles ,tout à l’heure:Albert Jacquard est décédé hier.

Petite biographie:

Le généticien et militant de gauche Albert Jacquard est décédé mercredi 11 septembre à son domicile parisien (VIe arrondissement) à l’âge de 87 ans, selon son fils. Ce polytechnicien, né le 23 décembre 1925, qui était président d’honneur de l’association Droit au logement (DAL), a été emporté par une forme de leucémie, a-t-il précisé.


Issu d’une famille de la bonne société lyonnaise, Albert Jacquard est reçu à Polytechnique 20 ans plus tard et entre en 1951 à la Seita (société nationale qui fabrique tabac et allumettes) pour y travailler à la mise en place d’un des premiers systèmes informatiques. Après un bref passage au ministère de la Santé publique, il rejoint l’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) en 1962. Mais il approche de la quarantaine et « s’aperçoit qu’on n’est pas éternel et qu’on ne veut pas gâcher sa vie à des choses dérisoires ». Albert Jacquard part donc étudier la génétique des populations dans la prestigieuse université américaine de Stanford, puis revient à l’Ined et passe deux doctorats en génétique et biologie humaine dans la foulée. Parallèlement à l’enseignement et son travail d’expert à l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), il n’aura alors de cesse de démonter les arguments prétendument scientifiques des théories racistes et sera même témoin en 1987 au procès du nazi Klaus Barbie pour crimes contre l’humanité. Ses premiers livres, comme « Eloge de la différence: la génétique et l’homme » (1978) rencontrent un grand succès qui ne se démentira pas, même quand il dérivera vers la philosophie, la vulgarisation scientifique ou l’humanisme anti-libéral. Son engagement le Pr Jacquard n’aime pas le libéralisme et il sera d’ailleurs candidat aux législatives à Paris en 1986 sur une liste soutenue par divers mouvements de la gauche alternative, puis en 1999 sur la liste écologiste conduite par Daniel Cohn-Bendit (en 84e position). Dans les années 1990, Albert Jacquard va mettre sa verve médiatique au service d’une autre cause: les mal-logés et les sans-papiers. Occupation d’un immeuble rue du Dragon en 1994, de l’Eglise Saint-Bernard en 1996… son visage de vieux faune grec devient vite aussi familier que celui de l’Abbé Pierre, Mgr Gaillot ou Emmanuelle Béart, ses compagnons de lutte. L’âge aidant, le président d’honneur du DAL s’était fait plus discret tout en continuant à soutenir les démunis et à pousser des coups de gueule, comme dans sa chronique quotidienne sur France Culture de 2001 à 2010.


Qu’il est été un homme de gauche,cela n’enlève pas à l’homme qu’il fut toute sa valeur.C’est un homme noble qui se battait pour de nobles causes.

J’estime que son combat continue,même après sa mort .Aussi,je  continuerai à m’inspirer de ses idées.

Quand j’écoute ses vidéos  ou quand je le lis,je me sens plus humain ,plus ouvert et plus  empreint de compassion envers mes semblables.

Aussi ,en mémoire d’un grand homme,Albert Jacquart,voici  donc un article publié le 7 octobre 2009:

La conscience du danger sauvera l’humanité

Il a beau avoir dépassé les 80 ans, l’intellectuel français Albert Jacquard n’en continue pas moins de porter son appel pour une société plus juste et plus durable, seule façon d’éviter rien de moins que la fin de l’aventure humaine. Le Devoir l’a rencontré, alors qu’il est de passage au Québec.

Le message d’Albert Jacquard est sans équivoque: ou bien l’humanité se détourne de la course à la croissance économique éternelle et cesse de considérer les ressources de la planète comme infinies, ou bien elle devra faire face à son propre naufrage dans un avenir pas si lointain.

Et la profonde récession qui a frappé le monde devrait selon lui servir de première étape de réflexion sur les moyens d’éviter le pire.

L’intellectuel français refuse d’ailleurs de qualifier les déboires mondiaux de la dernière année de « crise ». « Ce qu’on traverse, ce n’est pas une crise, c’est une mutation. Une crise, ça se termine, comme on parle tout le temps de la « sortie de crise ». Mais pour moi, il n’y a pas de sortie de crise dans une aventure humaine avec des conséquences aussi graves. Il y a des mutations, c’est-à-dire qu’il y a des opportunités de développer des idées nouvelles, notamment dans le secteur économique. »

Car il y a urgence de repenser notre relation avec ce qu’il qualifie de dogme de la « croissance » vue comme unique façon de se sortir du marasme et de progresser. « Si la croissance signifie la croissance de la consommation, c’est une supercherie qui ne peut pas durer, a-t-il expliqué au cours d’une rencontre avec Le Devoir. Ceux qui prêchent la croissance de la consommation, dans les pays où les besoins vitaux sont déjà plus que satisfaits, sont plus néfastes que les dealers répandant leurs drogues. »

La meilleure façon d’évoquer le problème serait de poser la question de la disponibilité des richesses de la Terre, dilapidées sans véritable retenue, surtout depuis le début de l’ère industrielle. C’est le cas, par exemple, des stocks de poissons du globe qui devraient être épuisés d’ici à peine quelques décennies, selon le Programme des Nations unies pour l’environnement. Or des milliards de personnes en dépendent en grande partie pour leur alimentation quotidienne. Que faire alors? « On sait qu’on ne quittera pas la Terre pour aller coloniser une autre planète. La question qu’on devrait se poser, pour l’ensemble des ressources, c’est comment on les répartit. »

Ce n’est certainement pas le cas à l’heure actuelle. « La façon dont les économistes négligent trop souvent de tenir compte de la finitude de la Terre est significative du comportement de l’humanité envers elle, note justement Albert Jacquard dans son plus récent livre, Le compte à rebours a-t-il commencé?. Dans de nombreux domaines, la cote d’alerte a été dépassée, notamment dans l’utilisation des ressources non renouvelables, ce qui est le cas des sources d’énergie, gaz, charbon et pétrole par exemple. Un arrêt le plus rapide possible de la destruction en cours s’impose avec comme objectif de retarder ou même d’éviter leur épuisement. »

Générations à venir

La chose est d’autant plus essentielle que le polytechnicien et généticien de 83 ans insiste sur le fait que les richesses qui ont pris des millions d’années pour se constituer appartiennent aussi « aux générations à naître ». Si l’idée peut sembler relever du lieu commun, sa mise en application exigerait rien de moins que l’instauration d’une structure de « gouvernance mondiale », selon M. Jacquard. « On ne peut imaginer que six milliards de personnes pourront s’en sortir sans organiser les pouvoirs et sans mettre en place une démocratie planétaire. Ou bien ce n’est pas possible, alors c’est foutu, ou bien c’est possible et il faut essayer. »

Vaste programme, surtout lorsqu’on observe la complexité parfois kafkaïenne des grandes structures comme l’ONU ou alors les négociations sur les accords de Kyoto. « Il y a un véritable choix de société, affirme M. Jacquard. Est-ce qu’on admet qu’une vie d’homme doit se résumer à la lutte contre les autres, ce qu’on appelle le libéralisme? Ou alors, au cours d’une vie, on peut essayer de réaliser certains idéaux », comme l’amélioration de la santé de tous, la préservation des ressources ou la protection de l’environnement?

Et cette volonté de concevoir une société à la fois « plus juste et plus durable », détournée de la « croissance à tout prix », doit être ancrée dans le système éducatif. « Les événements de l’été 2008 semblent avoir fait progresser de plusieurs étapes le compte à rebours qui conduit à la catastrophe économique, note ainsi l’auteur dans son dernier ouvrage. Heureusement, la conscience du danger, elle aussi, a progressé. Elle peut nous aider à éviter le pire. L’aboutissement et la lucidité dépendent du système éducatif. »

À condition, bien sûr, qu’il ne soit pas instrumentalisé pour servir d’outil de formation de la main-d’oeuvre « compétitif » sur un « marché » du savoir. « L’école est au service de ceux qui s’adressent à elle pour qu’elle les aide à devenir eux-mêmes, non au service de la société. Elle n’est pas chargée de lui fournir des humains prêts à l’emploi dont elle a besoin. » Il dénonce d’ailleurs la tendance à introduire de plus en plus la notion de « compétition » dans le vocabulaire relatif à l’éducation. « Pour moi, c’est un vrai scandale. L’objectif n’est pas de donner les moyens de lutter contre les autres, mais plutôt d’aller à la rencontre des autres. Par conséquent, il faut un système éducatif qui ne tient pas compte des palmarès. »

Malgré l’ampleur de la tâche à laquelle Albert Jacquard souhaite voir l’humanité s’attaquer, il refuse les étiquettes de « catastrophiste » ou d’« utopiste ». « Même si elles sont pour certains très révolutionnaires, ces idées-là s’installent, au nom d’une réalité », croit-il. À preuve, ses conférences attirent beaucoup de gens de divers horizons. « Je n’ai pas de solution, tient-il cependant à préciser. Mon objectif, ce n’est pas de construire la société de demain, c’est de montrer qu’elle ne doit pas ressembler à celle d’aujourd’hui. Parce que, est-ce que oui ou non le danger est là? Oui, le danger est là et c’est un danger énorme puisque ça pourrait être la fin de l’humanité. »



  • ou l’humanité se détourne de la course à la croissance économique éternelle ou bien elle devra faire face à son propre naufrage
  • il y a urgence de repenser notre relation avec le dogme de la « croissance »
  • « On ne peut imaginer que six milliards de personnes pourront s’en sortir sans organiser les pouvoirs et sans mettre en place une démocratie planétaire. »

Repose en paix « Grand Homme » ,ton combat continue!

تنبيه النووية: مفاعل نووي على حافة الكارثة

La centrale nucléaire en question...vue  de l'espace.
محطة الطاقة النووية في السؤال … من الفضاء.


قالت كوريا الشمالية تجري مفاعل يونغ بيون النووي ، وهو في « حالة رهيبة  » ، وهو الوضع الذي قد يؤدي إلى  » كارثة  » في شبه الجزيرة الكورية مصدر نقلت عنه وكالات الانباء الروسية .  » ، ومن الواضح أن العمل يجري تنفيذها هناك وقتا طويلا ، وهناك دلائل على أن هذا يحدث ل إعادة تشغيل  » وقال المصدر الدبلوماسي . وقال « ان المفاعل، الذي تم بناؤه في 1950s ، في حالة رهيبة « ، وقال هذا المصدر . وقد أعربت روسيا عن قلقها إزاء الآثار المترتبة على هذا التمهيد المحتملة للمنطقة.  » ، وهذا يمكن أن يكون لها عواقب وخيمة على شبه الجزيرة الكورية ، يتسبب في كارثة  » وقال المصدر الروسي .  » ليس لدينا أدلة على أن يتم إعادة تشغيل مفاعل  » ، ومع ذلك ، شدد المصدر الروسي .

قالت منظمة أبحاث أمريكية الاربعاء ان كوريا الشمالية على ما يبدو إعادة تشغيل مفاعل نووي في محطة يونجبيون التي تنتج البلوتونيوم ، الذي يجب أن تسمح الخطة لتسريع برنامج أسلحتها . ، وقال المتخذة في 31 آب صور الأقمار الصناعية يظهر البخار الهروب من المبنى المجاور للمفاعل بقدرة خمسة ميجاوات في مجمع يونجبيون النووي في معهد الولايات المتحدة وكوريا في جامعة جونز هوبكنز .
« الاغتصاب من قرارات الأمم المتحدة  »

 » ، ويبدو أن إعادة تشغيل مفاعل  » قال الباحثون تظهر الصورة أن كوريا الشمالية نيك هانسن و جيفري لويس على بلوق للمعهد. وقالوا ان مفاعل  » قادر على انتاج 6 كجم من البلوتونيوم سنويا أن بيونغ يانغ يمكن أن تستخدم لزيادة ببطء حجم ترسانتها النووية  » . أعلنت كوريا الشمالية في ابريل نيسان إعادة التشغيل التالي للمفاعل النووي ، الذي اعتقل في عام 2007 كجزء من اتفاق دولي تدعمه الولايات المتحدة. الكشف عن المفاعل الكوري الشمالي التدخل عندما العلاقات الدولية عاصف مع الديكتاتورية الكورية الشمالية التي تعاني من هدوء طفيف بعد تجربة نووية ثالثة في شهر فبراير تلاه تهديد من هجوم في الولايات المتحدة.

 » ، إذا اتضح أن هذه المعلومات غير دقيقة و التي تمت إعادة تشغيل مفاعل كوريا الشمالية البلوتونيوم بسعة 5 ميغاواط ، فإنه سيكون بمثابة مشكلة خطيرة جدا  » وقال لل صحافة الموفد الاميركي الى كوريا الشمالية ، جلين ديفيز ، بعد اجتماع مع مسؤولين من وزارة الخارجية اليابانية .  » أدى خطأ من جانب كوريا الشمالية ، لأنه ينتهك بوضوح قرارات مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة « ، وقال انه سيكون .  » هذا يتناقض مع التزامات الخاصة والوعود التي قدمها كوريا الشمالية لسنوات « ، وأشار الدبلوماسي الأميركي ، مضيفا أن الولايات المتحدة تلتها « عن كثب . « 

Allarme nucleare: un reattore nucleare sul bordo del disastro

La centrale nucléaire en question...vue  de l'espace.
La centrale nucleare in questione dallo spazio.


La Core dela Nord effettua il reattore nucleare di Yongbyon , che è in una  » terribile stato » , una situazione che può provocare una « catastrofe » nella penisola coreana , ha detto una fonte citata dalle agenzie di stampa russe . « E ‘chiaro che il lavoro viene svolto lì da molto tempo . Ci sono segnali che questo sta per ripartire « , ha detto la fonte diplomatica .  » Il reattore , che è stato costruito nel 1950 , è in uno stato terribile « , ha detto questa fonte . La Russia ha espresso preoccupazione per le implicazioni di questa potenziale ripartenza per la regione. « Questo potrebbe avere conseguenze disastrose per la penisola coreana , causare una catastrofe « , ha detto la fonte russa . « Non abbiamo alcuna prova che il reattore viene riavviato  » , tuttavia , ha sottolineato la fonte russa .

Un think tank americano ha detto Mercoledì che la Corea del Nord sembrava aver riavviato un reattore nucleare di Yongbyon , che produce plutonio , che dovrebbe consentire il piano per accelerare il suo programma di armi . Una foto satellitare scattata il 31 agosto mostra vapore che fuoriesce da un edificio adiacente al reattore con una potenza di cinque megawatt nel complesso nucleare di Yongbyon , ha detto l’Istituto USA- Corea presso la Johns Hopkins University .
 » Ratto delle risoluzioni delle Nazioni Unite  »

La fotografia mostra che la Corea del Nord  » sembra aver riavviare il reattore « , hanno detto i ricercatori Nick Hansen e Jeffrey Lewis sul blog dell’Istituto . Il reattore  » è in grado di produrre 6 kg di plutonio all’anno che Pyongyang potrebbe essere utilizzato per aumentare lentamente la dimensione del suo arsenale nucleare  » , hanno detto. La Corea del Nord ha annunciato nel mese di aprile il successivo riavvio del reattore nucleare , arrestati nel 2007 come parte di un accordo internazionale, sostenuto dagli Stati Uniti . Le rivelazioni sul reattore nordcoreano intervengono quando le tempestose relazioni internazionali con la dittatura nordcoreana vivendo una lieve pausa dopo un terzo test nucleare nel febbraio seguite dalla minaccia di un attacco negli Stati Uniti .

 » Se si scopre che queste informazioni sono esatte e che la Corea del Nord ha riavviato il suo reattore plutonio con una capacità di 5 megawatt , sarebbe un problema molto serio « , ha detto alla stampa il inviato americano per la Corea del Nord , Glyn Davies , dopo l’incontro con i funzionari del Ministero degli Affari Esteri giapponese . Sarebbe  » un errore da parte della Corea del Nord , perché viola chiaramente le risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite « , ha detto .  » Questo contraddice propri impegni e le promesse date da Corea del Nord per anni « , ha osservato il diplomatico americano , aggiungendo che gli Stati Uniti seguirono  » molto da vicino « .

Alerta nuclear: un reactor nuclear en el borde del desastre

La centrale nucléaire en question...vue  de l'espace.
La planta de energía nuclear en cuestión desde el espacio.

Corea del Norte lleva a cabo en el reactor nuclear de Yongbyon , que se encuentra en un  » estado terrible  » , una situación que puede dar lugar a una « catástrofe » en la península coreana , dijo una fuente citada por las agencias rusas . « Está claro que el trabajo se está llevando a cabo allí mucho tiempo . Hay indicios de que esto va a reiniciar « , dijo la fuente diplomática.  » El reactor , que fue construido en la década de 1950 , está en un estado terrible », dijo esta fuente. Rusia ha expresado su preocupación por las implicaciones de esta posible reinicio de la región. « Esto podría tener consecuencias nefastas para la península coreana, causar una catástrofe », dijo la fuente rusa. « No tenemos ninguna evidencia de que el reactor se reinicia  » , sin embargo , hizo hincapié en la fuente rusa .

Un think tank estadounidense dijo el miércoles que Corea del Norte parecía haber reiniciado un reactor nuclear en la planta de Yongbyon , que produce plutonio , lo que debería permitir que el plan para acelerar su programa de armas . Una imagen satelital tomada el 31 de agosto muestra vapor que se escapa de un edificio adyacente al reactor con una capacidad de cinco megavatios en el complejo nuclear de Yongbyon , dijo el Instituto de Estados Unidos y Corea en la Universidad Johns Hopkins .
« La violación de las resoluciones de la ONU  »

La fotografía muestra que Corea del Norte « parece haber reiniciar el reactor « , dijeron los investigadores Nick Hansen y Jeffrey Lewis en el blog del Instituto. El reactor  » es capaz de producir 6 kg de plutonio al año que Pyongyang podría utilizarse para aumentar poco a poco el tamaño de su arsenal nuclear » , dijeron. Corea del Norte anunció en abril del próximo reinicio del reactor nuclear , detenido en 2007 como parte de un acuerdo internacional con el apoyo de los Estados Unidos. Las revelaciones sobre el reactor norcoreano intervenir cuando las relaciones internacionales de tormenta con la dictadura de Corea del Norte experimenta un ligero respiro después de una tercera prueba nuclear en febrero seguido por amenaza de ataque en los Estados Unidos.

 » Si resulta que esta información es correcta y que Corea del Norte ha reiniciado su reactor de plutonio con una capacidad de 5 megavatios , sería un problema muy serio « , dijo a la prensa el el enviado estadounidense a Corea del Norte , Glyn Davies, después de reunirse con funcionarios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Japón . Sería « un error por parte de Corea del Norte, ya que claramente viola las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas », dijo .  » Esto contradice sus propios compromisos y promesas dadas por Corea del Norte durante años », señaló el diplomático estadounidense , quien agregó que Estados Unidos siguió « muy de cerca ».

Nuclear Alert: a nuclear reactor on the edge of disaster

La centrale nucléaire en question...vue  de l'espace.
This  is the nuclear reactor  we talking in this article…view from space.


North Korea conducts the Yongbyon nuclear reactor , which is in a  » terrible state  » , a situation that may result in a  » catastrophe  » on the Korean peninsula , said a source quoted by Russian news agencies .  » It is clear that work is being carried out there a long time. There are signs that this is going to restart , » said the diplomatic source.  » The reactor , which was built in the 1950s, is in a terrible state , » said this source. Russia has expressed concern about the implications of this potential reboot for the region.  » This could have dire consequences for the Korean peninsula, cause a catastrophe , » said the Russian source .  » We have no evidence that the reactor is restarted  » , however, stressed the Russian source .

A think tank American said Wednesday that North Korea appeared to have restarted a nuclear reactor at the Yongbyon plant , which produces plutonium , which should allow the plan to accelerate its weapons program. A satellite photo taken on August 31 shows steam escaping from a building adjacent to the reactor with a capacity of five megawatts on the Yongbyon nuclear complex , said the US- Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University .
 » Rape of the UN resolutions  »

The photograph shows that North Korea  » seems to have restart the reactor , » the researchers said Nick Hansen and Jeffrey Lewis on the blog of the Institute. The reactor  » is capable of producing 6 kg of plutonium per year that Pyongyang could be used to slowly increase the size of its nuclear arsenal  » , they said. North Korea announced in April the next restart of the nuclear reactor , arrested in 2007 as part of an international agreement supported by the United States . The revelations about the North Korean reactor intervene when the stormy international relations with the North Korean dictatorship experiencing a slight lull after a third nuclear test in February followed by threat of attack in the United States .

 » If it turns out that this information is accurate and that North Korea has restarted its plutonium reactor with a capacity of 5 megawatts , it would be a very seriousproblem , » he told the press the American envoy to North Korea , Glyn Davies, after meeting officials of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs . It would be  » a mistake on the part of North Korea , because it clearly violates the resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations, » he said .  » This contradicts own commitments and promises given by North Korea for years , » noted the American diplomat , adding that the United States followed it  » very closely . »

Alerte nucléaire: un réacteur nucléaire au bord de la catastrophe

Corée du Nord  réacteur nucléaire

La centrale nucléaire en question...vue  de l'espace.
La centrale nucléaire en question…vue de l’espace.

La Corée du Nord  mène des travaux sur le réacteur nucléaire de Yongbyon, qui est dans un « état épouvantable », une situation risquant d’entraîner « une catastrophe » dans la péninsule coréenne, a indiqué une source russe citée par les agences de presse. « Il est évident que des travaux sont menés là-bas depuis longtemps. Certains signes montrent que cela va vers le redémarrage », a indiqué cette source diplomatique. « Le réacteur, qui est une construction des années 1950, est dans un état épouvantable », a souligné cette source. La Russie s’est dite inquiète des conséquences de cet éventuel redémarrage pour la région. « Cela pourrait avoir des conséquences terribles pour la péninsule coréenne, entraîner une catastrophe », a ajouté la source russe. « Nous n’avons pas de données prouvant que le réacteur est redémarré », a toutefois souligné la source russe.

Un groupe de réflexion américain a affirmé mercredi que la Corée du Nord semblait avoir redémarré un réacteur nucléaire de la centrale de Yongbyon qui produit du plutonium, ce qui devrait permettre au régime d’accélérer son programme d’armement. Une photo prise par satellite le 31 août montre de la vapeur s’échappant d’un bâtiment adjacent au réacteur d’une puissance de cinq mégawatts sur le complexe nucléaire de Yongbyon, a indiqué l’Institut américano-coréen de l’université Johns Hopkins.

« Viol des résolutions de l’ONU« 

Le cliché montre que la Corée du Nord « semble avoir fait redémarrer le réacteur », ont précisé les chercheurs Nick Hansen et Jeffrey Lewis sur le blog de l’institut. Le réacteur « est capable de produire 6 kilos de plutonium par an que Pyongyang pourrait utiliser pour lentement accroître la taille de son arsenal nucléaire », ont-ils poursuivi. La Corée du Nord avait annoncé en avril dernier le redémarrage prochain de ce réacteur nucléaire, arrêté en 2007 dans le cadre d’un accord international soutenu par les États-Unis. Les révélations concernant le réacteur nord-coréen interviennent au moment où les houleuses relations internationales avec la dictature nord-coréenne connaissent une légère accalmie, après un troisième essai nucléaire en février suivi de menace d’attaque des États-Unis.

« S’il s’avère que ces informations sont exactes et que la Corée du Nord a relancé son réacteur au plutonium d’une puissance de 5 mégawatts, il s’agirait d’un problème très grave », a déclaré à la presse l’émissaire américain pour la Corée du Nord, Glyn Davies, après avoir rencontré des responsables du ministère nippon des Affaires étrangères. Il s’agirait « d’une erreur de la part de la Corée du Nord, parce que cela viole évidemment les résolutions du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies », a-t-il souligné. « Cela contredit les propres engagements et promesses donnés par la Corée du Nord pendant des années », a noté le diplomate américain, ajoutant que les États-Unis suivaient cela « de très près ».

(Sources: AFP )

Writings and Correspondence of Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati

Seal of the Illuminati 001
Seal of the Illuminati


En 1776,Adam Weishaupt fondait les Illuminés de Bavières (Les Illuminati)
In 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian  Illuminati  (The Illuminati)


The Writings and Correspondance of Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati

(Suggestion:Background Accompaniment: ‘Requiem’, by the suddenly departed Brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) )

Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, in 1776.
Adam Weishaupt,
founder of the Illuminati,
in 1776.

  « The tenor of my life has been the opposite of everything that is vile, and no man can lay any such thing to my charge. I have reason to rejoice that these writings have appeared. They are a vindication of the order and of my conduct. I can and must declare to God, and I do it now in the most solemn manner, that in my whole life I never saw or heard of the so much condemned secret writings, and in particular, respecting these abominable means; such as poisoning, abortion etc. Was it ever known to me in any case that any of my friends or aquaintences ever even thought of them. I was indeed always a schemer and projector, but never could engage much indetail. My general plan is good, though in the detail there may be faults. I had myself to form. In another situation, and in an active station in life, I should have been keenly occupied, and the founding of an order would have never come into my head. But I would have executed much greater things, had not government always opposed my exertions, and placed others in situations which would have suited my talents. It was the full conviction of this, and of what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination. I did not bring Deism into Bavaria more than into Rome. I found it here, in great vigour, more abounding than in any of the neighboring Protestant States. I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati. »  — Adam Weishaupt

    « I declare and I challenge all mankind to contradict my declaration, that no man can give any account of the order of Freemasonry, of it’s origin, of it’s history, of it’s object, nor any explanation of it’s mysteries and symbols, which does not leave the mind in total uncertainty on all these points. Every man is entitled therefore, to give any explanation of the symbols and a system of the doctrine that he can render palatable. Hence have sprung up that variety of systems, which for twenty years
has divided the order. The simple tale of the English, and the fifty degrees of the French, and the Knights of Baron Hunde, are equally authentic, and have equally had the support of intelligent and zealous brethren. These systems are in fact but one. They have all sprung from the Blue Lodge of three degree;  Take these for their standard and found on these all the improvements by which each system is afterwards suited to the particular object which it keeps in view. There is no man, nor system in the world, which can show, by undoubted sucession, that it should stand as the head of the order. Our ignorance in this particular frets me. Do but consider our short history of 120 years – Who will show me the Mother Lodge? Those of London we have discovered to be self-erected in 1716. Ask for their archives. They tell you they were burnt. They have nothing but the wretched sophistications of the Englishman Anderson, and the Frenchman Desaguilliers. Where is the Lodge of York, which pretends to the priority, with their King Boudin, and the archives that he brought from the East?  These too are all burnt. What is the chapter of old Aberdeen and it’s holy clericate? Did we not find it unknown, and the Mason Lodges there the most ignorant of all the ignorant, gaping for instruction from our deputies? Did we not find the same thing at London? And have not their missionaries been among us, prying into our mysteries, and eager to learn from us what is true Masonry? It is in vain therefore to appeal to judges; they are nowhere to be found; all claim for themselves the sceptre of the Order; all indeed are on an equal footing. They obtained followers, not from their authenticity, but from their conductiveness, to the end which they proposed, and from the importance of that end. It is by this scale that we must measure the mad and wicked explanations of the Rosycrucions, the exorcists and Cabalists. These are rejected by all good Masons, because incompatible with social happiness. Only such systems as promote this are retained. But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon. » – Adam Weishaupt

    « But I have contrived an explanation which has every advantage; is inviting to christians of every communion; gradually frees them from all religious prejudices; cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a great, a feasable, a speedy prospect of universal happiness, in a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank, and riches, continually throw in our way. My explanation is accurate and complete, my means are effectual, and irresistable. Our secret association works in a way that nothing can withstand, and man shall soon be free and happy. » – Adam Weishaupt

« This is the great object held out by this association; and the means of attaining it is illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason which will dispell the clouds of superstition and of prejudice. The proficients in this order are therefore justly named the Illuminated. And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it. In comparison with this, the most brilliant sciences are but amusements for the idle and luxurious. To fit man by illumination for active virtue, to engage him to it by the strongest motives, to render the attainment of it easy and certain, by finding employement for every talent, and by placing every talent in it’s proper sphere of action, so that all, without feeling any extraordinary effort, and in conjuction with, and in completion of ordinary business, shall urge forward with united powers, the general task. This indeed will be an employement suited to noble natures, grand in it’s views, and delightful in it’s exercise. » – Adam Weishaupt

    « And what is this general object? The happiness of the human race. But where are the proper persons, the good, the generous and the accomplished to be found? And how, and by what strong motives, are they to be induced to be engaged, in a task so vast, so incessant, so difficult and so laborious? This association must be gradual. There are some such persons to be found in every society. Such noble minds will be engaged by the heart warming object. The first task of the association must therefore be to form the young members. As these multiply and advance, they become the apostles of beneficence, and the work is now on foot, and advances witha speed increasing every day. The slightest observation shows that nothing will so much contribute to increase the zeal of the members as secret union. We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union. Let this circumstance of our constitution therefore be directed to this noble purpose, and then all the objections urged against it by jealous tyranny and affrighted superstition will vanish. The order will thus work silently, and sucurely, and though the generous benefactors of the human race are thus deprived of the applause of the world, they have the noble pleasure of seeing their work prosper. » — Adam Weishaupt

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, A Lawyer)
    « Nothing would be more profitable to us than a right history of mankind. Despotism has robbed them of their liberty. How can the weak obtain protection? Only by union; but this is rare. Nothing can bring this about but hidden societies. Hidden schools of wisdom are the means which will one day free men from their bonds. These have in all ages been the archives of nature, and the rights of men; and by them shall human nature be raised from her fallen state. Princes and nations shall vanish from the earth. The human race will then become one family, and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men. »

— « Morality alone can do this. The head of every family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch, the priest and the unlettered lord of his family, and Reason will be the code of laws to all mankind. This is our great secret. True, there maybe some disturbance; but by and by the unequal will become equal; and after the storm all will be calm. Can the unhappy consequences remain when the grounds of dissention are removed? Rouse yourselves therefore, O men! Assert your rights; and then will reason rule with unpercieved sway, and all shall be happy. »

    « Morality will perform all this; and Morality is the fruit of Illumination. Duties and rights are reciprocal. Where octavious has no right, Cato owes him no duty. Illumination shows us our rights, and Morality follows; that Morality which teaches us to be of age, to be out of wardenship, to be full grown, and to walk without the leading-strings of Priests and Princes. »

    « Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion–of opinions which were current–and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with he popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons –he taught by parables. Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father’s kingdom, who’s children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves. Man has fallen from the condition of Liberty and Equality, the STATE OF PURE NATURE. He is under subordination and civil bondage, arising from the vices of man. This is the FALL, and ORIGINAL SIN. The KINGDOM OF GRACE is that restoration which may be brought about by Illumination and a just Morality. This is the NEW BIRTH. When man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished. By subdoing our passions, or limiting their cravings, we may recover a great deal of our original worth, and live in a state of grace. Thius is the redemption of men–this is accomplished by Morality; and when this is spread over the world, we have THE KINGDOM OF THE JUST. »

    « But alas! the task of self-formation was too hard for the subjects of the Roman empire, corrupted by every species of profligacy. A chosen few recieved the doctrines in secret, and they have been handed down to us (but frequently almost buried under rubbish of man’s invention) by the Freemasons. These three conditions of human society are expressed by the rough, the split, and the polished stone. The rough stone, and the one that is split, express our condition under government; rough by every fretting inequality of condition; and split since we are no longer one family; and are farther divided by differences of government, rank, property, and religion; but when reunited in one family we are represented by the polished stone. G is Grace, the Flaming Star is the Torch of Reason. Those who possess this knowledge are indeed Illuminati. Hiram is our fictitious Grand Master, slain for the REDEMPTION OF SLAVES; the Nine Masters are the Founders of the Order. Freemasonry is a Royal Art, inasmuch as it teaches us to walk without trammels, and to govern ourselves. »

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer) –Feb. 6th, 1778
     » ‘Mon but est de faire la Raison’ As a subordinate object I shall endeavor to gain security to ourselves, a backing in case of misfortunes, and assistance from without. I shall therefore press the cultivation of science, especially such sciences as may have an influence on our reception in the world, and may serve to remove obstacles out of the way. We have to struggle with pedantry, with intolerance, with divines and statesmen, and above all princes and priests are in our way. Men are unfit as they are, and must be formed; each class must be the school of trial for the next. This will be tedious, because it is hazardous. In the last classes I propose academies under the direction of the order. This will secure us the assistence of the literati. Science shall here be the lure. Only those who are assuredly proper subjects shall be picked out from the inferior classes for the higher mysteries, which contain the first principles and means of promoting a happy life. No religionist must, on any account, be admitted into these. For here we work at the discovery and exterpation of superstition and prejudices. The instructions shall be so conducted that each shall disclose what he thinks he conceals in his own breast, what are his ruling propensities and passions, and how far he has advanced in the command of himself. This will answer all the purposes of auricular confession. And in particular, every person shall be made a spy on another and on all around him. Nothing can escape our site; by these means we shall readily discover who are contented, and recieve with relish the peculiar stated doctrines and religious opinions that are laid before them; and at last, the trustworthy alone will be admitted to a participation of the whole maxims and political constitutions of the order. In a council composed of such members, we shall labor at the contrivance of means to drive by degrees the enemies of reason and of humanity out of the world. and to establish a peculiar morality and religion fitted for the great society of mankind. »

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer)
    « By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions. I have considered everything, and so prepared it that if the order should this day go to ruin, I shall in one year re-establish it more brilliant than ever. Nor will it signify though all should be betrayed and printed. I am so certain of sucess, in spite of all obstacles (for the springs are in every heart) that I am indifferent, though it should involve my life and my liberty. But I have the art to draw advantage even from misfortune, and when you would think me sunk to the bottom, I shall rise with new vigour. Who would have thought, that a professor at Ingolstadt was to become the teacher of the professors of Gottingen and of the greatest men in Germany? »

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer) (Speaking of the Priests Degree)
    « One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it , is genuine Christianity, and that it’s end was to free the jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the heiroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian. Indeed, I afterwards throw away this name and substitute reason. But I assure you this is no small affair; A new religion, and a new state-government, which so happily explain one and all of these symbols, and combines them in one degree. You may think that this is my chief work; but I have three other degrees, all different, for my class of higher mysteries, in comparison with which this is but child’s play; but these I keep for myself as General, to be bestoyed by me only. Were you here I should give you this degree without hesitation. But it is too important to be trusted to paper, or to be bestowed otherwise than from my own hand. It is the key to history, to religion, and to every state government in the world. »

Minos to Sebastian
    « The proposal of Hercules to establish a Minerval school for girls is excellent, but requires much circumspection. Philo and I have long conversed on this subject. We cannot improve the world without improving women, who have such a mighty influence on the men. But how shall we get hold of them? How will their relations, particularly their mothers, immersed in prejudice, consent that others shall influence their education? We must begin with grown girls. Hercules proposes the wife of Ptolemy Magus. I have no objection, and I have four step-daughters, fine girls. The oldest in particular is excellent. She is twenty-four, has read much, is above all prejudices, and in religion she thinks as I do. It may immediately be a very pretty Society, under the management of Ptolemy’s wife, but really under his management. You must contrive pretty degrees and dresses, and ornaments, and elegant and decent rituals. No man must be admitted. This will make them become more keen, and they will go much farther than if we were present, or than if they thought that we knew of their preceedings. Leave them to the scope of their own fancies, and they will soon invent mysteries which will put us to the blush, and create an enthusiasm which we can never equal. They will be our great apostles. Reflect on the respect, nay the awe and terror inspired by the female mystics of antiquity. (Think of the Danaids–think of the Theban Bacchantes.) Ptolemy’s wife must direct them, and she will be instructed by Ptolemy, and my step-daughters will consult with me. We must always be at hand to prevent the introduction of any improper question. We must prepare themes for their discussion–thus we shall confess them, and inspire them with our sentiments. No man however must come near them. This will fire their roving fancies and we may expect rare mysteries. But I am doubtful whether this Association will be durable. Women are fickle and impatient. Nothing will please them but hurrying from degree to degree, through a heap of insignificant ceremonies, which will soon lose their novelty and influence. To rest seriously in one rank, and to be still and silent when they have found out that the whole is a cheat (hear the words of an experienced Mason) is a task of which they are incapable. They have not our motives to perservere for years, allowing themselves to be led about, and even then to hold their tongues when they find out that they have been decieved. Nay there is a risk that they may take into their heads to give things an opposite turn, and then, by voluptuous allurements, heightened by affected modesty and decency, which give them an irresistable empire over the best men, they may turn our Order upside down, and in their turn will lead the new one. »

Philo (Baron Von Knigg) To Cato (Zwack, a lawyer)
    « We must consider the ruling propensities of every age of the world. At present the cheat and tricks of the priests have roused all men against them, and against Christianity. But, at the same time superstition and fanaticism rule with unlimited domination, and the understanding of man really seems to be going backwards. Our task, therefore, is doubled. We must give such an account of things, that fanatics shall not be alarmed, and that shall, not withstanding, excite a spirit of free inquiry. We must not throw away the good with the bad, the child with the dirty water, but we must make the secret doctrines of Christianity be recieved as the secrets of genuine Free Masonry. But farther, we have to deal with the despotism of Princes. This increases every day. But then, the spirit of freedom breathes and sighs in every corner, and, by the assistance of hidden schools of wisdom, Liberty, and Equality, the imprescribable rights of man, warm and glow in every breast. We must therefore unite these extremes. We proceed in this manner. »

    « Jesus Christ established no new religion; he would only set religion and reason in their ancient rights. For this purpose he would unite men in a common bond. He would fit them for this by spreading a just morality, by enlightning the understanding, and by assisting the mind to shake off all prejudices. He would teach all men, in the first place, to govern themselves. Rulers would then be needless, and equality and liberty would take place without any revolution, by the natural and gentle operation of reason and expediency. This great teacher allows himself to explain every part of the Bible in conformity to these purposes; and he forbids all wrangling among his scholars, because every man may there find a reasonable application to his peculiar doctrines. I told you, says he, but you could not bear it. Many therefore were called, but few were chosen. To these elect were trusted the most important secrets; and even among them there were degrees of information. There was a seventy and a twelve. all this was in the natural order of things, and according to the habits of the jews, and indeed of all antiquity. The Jewish theosophy was a mystery, like the Eleusinian or the Pythagorian, unfit for the vulgar, and thus the doctrines of Christianity were committed to the adepti, in a disciplina arcani. By these they were maintained, like the vestal fire. They were kept up, only in hidden societies, who handed them down to posterity; and they are now possessed by the Genuine Freemasons. »

Quotes From the Writings of the Illuminati
   « These powers are despots, when they do not conduct themselves by it’s principles; and it is therefore our duty to surround them with it’s members, so that the profane may have no access to them. Thus we are able most powerfully to promote it’s interests. If any person is more disposed to listen to Princes than to the Order, he is not fit for it, and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of the Illuminati into all important civil offices. »
   « Rulers who are members must be promoted through the ranks of the order only in proportion as they acknowledge the goodness of it’s great object, and manner of procedure. It’s object may be said to be the checking of tyranny and princes, nobles and priests, and establishing a universal equality of condition and of religion. »
  « For the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence, for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole. »
  « It will be of great service, and procure us both much information and money, and will suit charmingly the taste of many of our truest members, who are lovers of the sex. It should consist of two classes , the virtuous and the freer hearted; they must not know of each other, and must be under the direction of men, but without knowing it. Proper books must be put into their hands, and such (but secretly) as are flattering to their passions. »
  « We must allow the underlings to imagine (but without telling them the truth) that we direct all the Free Mason lodges, and even all others, and that the greatest Monarchs are under our guidance, which indeed is here and there the case. »
   « There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women.  These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so, for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration. »
    « We must win the common people in every corner.  This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescention, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel. »
    « If a writer publishes anything that attracts notice, and is in itself just, but does not accord with our plan, we must endeavor to win him over, or decry him. »
   « The great strength of our Order lies in it’s concealment, let it never appear in any place in it’s own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.  None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry, the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.  Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands.  By establishing Reading Societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will. »
   « A literary society is the most proper form for the introduction of our order into any state where we are yet strangers. »
    « The power of the Order must surely be turned to the advantage of it’s members.  All must be assisted.  They must be preferred to all persons otherwise of equal merit.  Money, services, honory goods and blood, must be expended for the fully proved brethren, and the unfortunate must be relieved by the funds of the society. »

History of the Great Seal of the United States & the ongoing growth of the Illuminati :

Sceau original,en 1776
Original seal in 1776

Only a short period before the « Founding Fathers » had adopted the « Seal of the Illuminati », as part of the « Great Seal », they had several different ideas and versions of the proposed « Seal ».  The following three designs were put reviewed by the First Committee in 1776, but they did not adopt the Illuminati Seal at this time. However, the Great Seal says, « 1776 » in Roman Numerals. That is because the Founding of the Illuminati was in 1776.


Du Simitière’s sketch of his proposal: Pierre Eugène Du Simitière was a curious character. As a talented artist skilled in heraldry, he designed the state seals of Delaware, Georgia, and Virginia. As an avid collector of all things American, he started the first American museum. This sketch is part of the Library of Congress U.S. Capitol Exhibit, « A More Perfect Union: Symbolizing the National Union of States. »


Sceau "Illuminati" des États-Unis d'Amérique. (Second choix)
The Illuminati Seal

First committee’s choice for the Great Seal : On August 20th, the committee made its report: A shield with emblems of the six European cultures that migrated to America: three for Britain (English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish harp) and three for continental Europe (French fleur-de-lis, German eagle, Belgic lion). Supporting the shield: the Goddess of Liberty, who holds a spear and wears the Phrygian cap, and the Goddess of Justice with her balance.

    This first committee’s choice for the reverse was basically Jefferson’s revision of Franklin’s proposal: « Pharaoh sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his head and a Sword in his hand passing through the divided Waters of the Red Sea in Pursuit of the Israelites: Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Cloud, expressive of the divine Presence and Command, beaming on Moses who stands on the shore and extending his hand over the Sea causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh. Motto: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God. »

Grand Sceau des États-Unis 007

    The Second Committee was led by Francis Hopkinson. In 1776 he helped design the Great Seal of New Jersey, and he created the American flag that Congress adopted on June 14, 1777. Prior to that, he had signed the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from New Jersey. He had designed a $40 & a $50 Bill in 1778. On the $40 Bill, the rays of light shining from the radiant eye suggest a pyramid as they illuminate what appears to be a sacrificial alter with a flame that is surrounded by thirteen stars. Here is a picture of them both :

Grand Sceau des États-Unis 004

Grand Sceau des États-Unis 005


The Third Committee was led by William Barton and he submitted this design for the reverse side of the Great seal :
Grand Sceau des États-Unis 010

It is suggested that the $50 Bill above was the inspiration for the design of the reverse side of the Great Seal. I don’t know whether this is true or not, but it seems awfully suspicious if the Final Design for the Great Seal, which we have today, was actually the original « Seal of the Illuminati » as discovered on the documents which were recovered by the Elector of Bavaria, and today reside in the British Museum and Louvre Museum. According to Jordan Maxwell, this is where they are today. Someone should get a picture of them for comparison.


Grand Sceau des États-Unis 011arms of us

Grand Sceau des États-Unis 003
« Arms of the United States » – Columbian Magazine — Philadelphia, 1786
James Trenchard’s engravings are the first realizations of the Great Seal. A realization is a drawing of a seal based on its blazon, the written heraldic description.

(Everything about the history of the great Seal, and all images are taken from the Great Seal Website. What is interesting to note in the last two pictures here is that they both come from a magazine entitled « Columbian Magazine ». What most people don’t know about is the « Columbian Faction of the Illumniati » that came here to America in the mid to late 1700’s. There is a little known book published in the late 1700’s titled « A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction of the Columbian Illuminati and an account of his certificate men ». – This is where we get the Columbia Space Shuttle, Columbia University, and Columbia Broadcasting.)

Then the Site goes on to say : According to its official history, the Great Seal was not designed by Masons. And according to the Masons themselves, the Great Seal is not a Masonic symbol. (Is this not more evidence?) From the official Masons, a quote « The first « official » use and definition of the all-seeing eye as a Masonic symbol seems to have come in 1797 with The
 Freemasons Monitor of Thomas Smith Webb — 14 years after Congress adopted the design for the seal ». . From « The Eye in the Pyramid » – To read the Full Text – Click Here!!

There were many Freemasons on the Continent at the time of the Revolutionary war. This is well known, as it is well known that many of the founding fathers were, themselves, Freemasons. But the following two points are not so well known :
1. That George Washington made remarks concerning the Illuminati that were quoted from him and included in the diaries. He indicated that the Illuminati were a threat to the Colonial Army.
2. That Adam Weishaupt had directly stated, as an objective of the Illuminati, that they were to infiltrate the Masonic ranks and aquire the majority of their members from this method. Such as by luring with mysteries and promises of a Secret Society which even outranks the Masons.

Has the Illuminati continued to grow? Just look at the connections in the following symbolism :

Symbolism 001

 ……….  ……….

Symbolism 002Symbolism 003Symbolism 004Symbolism 006


Columbia Broadcasting & Columbia Motion Pictures (Do they know something you don’t?)

British Intelligence – MI6