En provenance d’un ami ,en Syrie : un dur video


Ce video montre des islamistes exécutant la sharia ,en Syrie.

Quel crime peut-on commettre pour être si brutalement et sauvagement  torturé,fouetté et humilié.

Remarquez  les appareils mobiles qui filment et prennent des photos.

Le visage des extrémistes religieux du Moyen Orient.

Islamic terrorism: a steamroller

At the debate on the Charter of Values ​​Quebecers, no tolerance is permitted against the rise of Islamists. Take time to read this!

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% in any country, they will be considered as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they can be described in articles and films as banal « colored. »

United States – Muslim 1.0%
Australia Muslim 1.5%
Canada – Muslim 1.9%
China – Muslim 1% -2%
Italy – Muslim 1.5%
Norway – Muslim 1.8%

A 2% and 3% they begin to convert other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, with a major recruitment in prisons and among the neighborhood gangs:

Denmark Muslim 2%
Germany – Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom – Muslim 2.7%
Spain Muslim 4%
Thailand – Muslim 4.6%

Entrainement des mercenaires d'Al Qaïda en Irak.C'est de cette école du meurtre que les assassins de l'Islam apprennent à tuer.Ils commencent par apprendre sur leurs frères d'Irak et les soldats américains ,avant d'être engagé en Syrie tout en étant armés par la France et les États-Unis d'Amériques.Quelle carte cachée joue actuellement Barack Hussein Obama ,le premier président islamiste des USA?
Training of Al Qaeda mercenaries Irak.C is this school murder the murderers of Islam tuer.Ils learn to begin to learn about their brothers in Iraq and American soldiers before being committed Syria while being armed by France and the United States of America. Which hidden currently plays Barack Hussein Obama, the first Islamist president of USA map?

From 5%, they exercise an inordinate influence, compared to their percentage in the population. They will push for the introduction of halal food (prepared according to the standards of Islam), thus ensuring that the tasks of preparing halal food are attributed to Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to find it on their shelves along with threats to the key, if they do not comply. (United States).

The France Muslim 8%
Philippines – Muslim 5%
Sweden – Muslim 5%
Switzerland – Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad and Tobago – Muslim 5.8%

Un contrôle spirituel et...financier digne du crime organisé.
A spiritual and financial control…like the Mafia.

At that time, they were to pursue to get the government in place to enable them to manage themselves under Sharia, under Islamic law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaining about their conditions (Paris car burning). Any action by a non-Muslim that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (the cartoons in the Netherlands).

Guyana Muslim 10%
India Muslim 13.4%
Israel – Muslim 16%
Kenya Muslim 10%
Russia Muslim 10-15%

La paranoïa de vouloir contrôler le mode...come le Nouvel Ordre Mondial,d'ailleurs...comme les Triades Chinoises aussi.
The paranoia will control how … come the New World Order, by the way … as Chinese Triads too.

– After 20 % , expect to rioting for nothing , training militia jihad episodic massacres and burning of churches and synagogues :

Ethiopia – Muslim 32.8 %

– A 40% you will find frequent massacres, continuing terrorist attacks and ongoing militia warfare :

Bosnia – Muslim 40%
Chad – Muslim 53.1 %
Lebanon – Muslim 59.7%

– From 60 % you can expect the deliberate persecution of non -believers and other religions , sporadic ethnic cleansing in (genocide ) , use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya , the tax placed on infidels :

Albania – Muslim 70%
Malaysia – Muslim 60.4%
Qatar – Muslim 77.5%
Sudan – Muslim 70%

– Over 80% of the state is responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide of non-Muslims :

Bangladesh – Muslim 83%
Egypt – Muslim 90%
Gaza – Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia – Muslim 86.1 %
Iran – Muslim 98%
Iraq – Muslim 97%
Jordan – Muslim 92%
Morocco – Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan – Muslim 97%
Palestine – Muslim 99%
Syria – Muslim 90%
Tajikistan – Muslim 90%
Turkey – Muslim 99.8 %
United Arab Emirates – Muslim 96%

– 100% trigger « peace of Dar -es- Salaam  » – the Islamic House of Peace – This is supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim :

Afghanistan – Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia – Muslim 100%
Somalia – Muslim 100%
Yemen – Muslim 99.9%

Naturally, this is not the case . To satisfy their blood lust , Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

 » Before I was nine I learned the basic rule of Arab life . It was me against my brother, me and my brother against our father , my family against my cousins ​​and the clan, the clan against the tribe , and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel . « – Leon Uris  » The Haj  »

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France , the Muslim populations are concentrated in ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community as a whole. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would seem to indicate.

Sooner or later , he will have to choose between self-defense or collective suicide ! … In Quebec , as elsewhere !

Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond book : Slavery , Terrorism and Islam : The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat .

( Sources: Various including WordPress, personal research )