Re-writing history: financial support from Wall Street to the Fuhrer Adolph Hitler’s army .partie 2

Banks, trucks and oil industry


Dès 1939 Exxon prévient les coups et détourne de nombreux pétroliers vers l'Allemagne afin de la prix fort.
By 1939 Exxon prevents strokes and turns many oil to Germany in order to supply … at full price.

Mutually beneficial relationship between two American auto giants and the fascist state largely beyond the scope of trade trucks. Schneider says that Ford engaged the Germans large quantities of rubber , a vital material to ensure the mobility of fascist armies . The writer accuses GM Snell have provided the Nazi regime the technology to produce synthetic fuel. Snell said he was informed by the head of the Nazi armies Albert Speer that without this technology, Hitler  » would never have thought to invade Poland.  » The outbreak of war in 1939 therefore does not surprise the GM or Ford , both firms competed for the German market since 1920 . James Mooney, who led the European foreign subsidiaries of GM , had interviewed two weeks after Hitler ‘s invasion of Poland, whereupon the German subsidiaries of GM continued to make war material for the Nazi army .


In German-occupied France , factories continued to produce trucks for the Nazi army after 1941 , and Ford opened another branch in Algeria , to provide the General Rommel trucks and armored cars . In April 1943, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau believed that the production of the French subsidiary of Ford was  » the sole benefit of Germany, » who had  » clearly demonstrated its commitment to protect the interests of Ford. « 

Grâce aux investissements de General Motor,l'usine Opel se met à fonctionner à plein régime.On fabrique davance l'élément clé de la Blitzkrieg:le camion du même nom.
Thanks to investments from General Motor, Opel plant starts to operate at full régime.On manufactures davance key element of Blitzkrieg: the truck of the same name.


Bush came on the scene


 Sloan and Ford were not the only ones to maintain privileged relationships with the Nazis: this was also the case of the patriarch of the Bush family, Prescott Bush. The enthusiasm for Hitler in a large fraction of the U.S. ruling class is a clear expression of the fact that this is not the right class that holds power.

Même dans les pires moments de la guerre,Opel n'a jamais manqué de rien : d'argent,de matériel de travailleurs.
Even in the worst moments of the war, Opel has never lacked for anything: money, equipment … and workers.


About the fact that GM, Ford and all their class leeches hungry for profit continue to conduct the affairs of this country and the world, it clearly demonstrates the need for a complete change!

Ford, General Motors and the Third Reich: a « highly profitable » Collaboration

GM and Opel were eager, willing and indispensable cogs in the Third Reich of the giant reset, a reset, as many feared during the 1930s, would enable Hitler to conquer Europe and destroy millions of lives.


Cette marque fut sur tous les fronts d'Europe,d'Afrique du Nord et de Russie.
Cette marque fut sur tous les fronts d’Europe,d’Afrique du Nord et de Russie.This mark was on all fronts in Europe, North Africa and Russia.


At the time, the magnate presided over the German Steel Trust , a consortium of the steel industry founded by Clarence Dillon, one of the strong men of Wall Street. Samuel Bush , Prescott ‘s father , grandfather and great- senior grandfather George Jr., former president of the United States George , was a trusted collaborator of Dillon. In 1923, Harriman and Thyssen decided to set up the bank and appointed to the presidency Prescott , father of George Herbert Walker. They created later, in 1926, the Union Banking Corporation ( UBC) and his head began to Prescott . That same year, he was appointed Vice President and Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman . The two companies allowed to send their money Thyssen of Germany to the United States via the Netherlands . « While other companies have helped the Nazis ( Standard Oil , Rockefeller Chase Bank or the major manufacturers of North American cars like Ford and GM) , Prescott Bush ‘s interests were much deeper and sinister  » writes north American economist Victor Thorn . Thorn adds that  » UBC became the secret way of protecting the Nazi capital , he left Germany for the United States via the Netherlands . And when the Nazis needed to renew their provisions, Brown Brothers Harriman sent directly funds in Germany. « 

UBC therefore received money from the Netherlands and Brown Brothers Harriman sent it back . And that was part of the management of these two companies? Prescott Bush in person , the first money launderer Nazis.

À la fine pointe de la technologie américaine.
At the edge of American technology.

« The fact that , since the beginning of the war we could produce tetraethyl lead is entirely due to circumstances that , shortly before , the Americans [ Du Pont , GM and Standard Oil ] presented us with the production plants with experimental knowledge. Sans- tetraethyl the present method of warfare would be unthinkable. « 

In 1934, the Commission of Inquiry of the Senate confirmed  » suspicions [ Butler ] according to which big business – Standard Oil , United Fruit, the sugar trust , the big banks – was behind most military interventions that ordered him to drive . « 


In Britain as a powerful oligarchic power supported Hitler throughout the 30s up to defend in 1940 , a negotiated peace with him . The Link was a British organization of Nazi sympathizers in high places , led by Lord Halifax, the Foreign Minister and future ambassador to the United States. Among the pro -Nazi figures, there was also the Duke of Windsor. In summer 1937, the Duke sent two meeting Hitler , Rudolf Hess and Martin Bormann at the Hotel Meurice in Paris , where he promises to help the first to contact the Duke of Hamilton, a man linked directly to Himmler and Kurt von Schröder, the Schröder Bank and the Bank synarchist Worms. Hess was determined to forge an alliance with Britain , to the point where he began flying ending with its dramatic drop on the Hamilton property in 1941. There are also among the fervent supporters of Hitler, Montagu Norman of the Bank of England and the BIS , and Lord McGowan


Note two other members of the circle, Sir Samuel Hoare and Lord Beaverbrook . The first , in his capacity as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1935, joined the French Prime Minister Pierre Laval to support the invasion of Ethiopia by Mussolini.

When Winston Churchill came to power , he appointed Hoare

ambassador in Franco’s Spain , from May 1940 to July 1944 .

As for Lord Beaverbrook , he accompanied Hoare in negotiations with

Laval concerning Ethiopia and supported the pro-Nazi King Edward VIII ( the former

Duke of Windsor) during the abdication crisis . In 1935, Beaverbrook

personally met Hitler and Mussolini and was invited by the Minister

German Foreign Affairs , Joachim von Ribbentrop , games

Munich Olympics the following year. The man of the Lord ,

Sefton Delmer , who headed the office of the Daily Express Beaverbrook

Berlin , was a confidant of Hitler . In its report on the fire

Reichstag , he took on his own version of the Nazis was to facilitate the

consolidation of Hitler’s power.

Opel et...GM fabriquèrent (ou donnèrent en sous-contrats ) de nombreuses pièces qui servirent à assembler le merveilleux Messersmith 262.
Opel and GM fabricated … (or gave in subcontracts) many pieces that were used to assemble the wonderful Messersmith 262.


At the same time, the president of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in New Jersey, Walter Teagle, was appointed director of American IG (Farben) Chemical Corp., whose board of directors includes among other Edsel Ford, president of Ford Motor Co. Charles Mitchell, president of the National City Bank of New York Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Herman Metz, director of the Bank of Manhattan.


IG Farben’s role in the war of aggression


After Hitler came to power in 1933, IG Farben put up its own

Feature international espionage, operating from an office in the

Northwest District 7 (N.O.7) Berlin.

Près du "camp de travail d'Auschwitz,les usines poussèrent comme des les investissements américains aussi.
Near the « labor camp at Auschwitz, factories sprang up like mushrooms … and U.S. investment too.


As for ITT , will continue throughout the war to work with the

Nazi government . ITT’s German branch , whose CEO was Gerhardt

Westrich , legal associate of John Foster Dulles, provide the Wehrmacht in

phones, alarms air raids , radar equipment , wicks

artillery, etc. .

ITT also controlled traffic between the Ibero-American countries and the Axis .

ICARD , a subsidiary of ITT in Argentina, held calls in Buenos Aires,

Germany, Hungary and Romania. Another subsidiary of ITT , United River

Plate Telephone Co. , handled 622 telephone calls between Argentina and

Berlin during only the first seven months of 1942.







In reality, this is an international financial oligarchy based in London and Wall Street that allowed Hitler ‘s rise to power. The financial oligarchy based in London and Wall Street kept multiple links and relations with German subsidiaries cartels , these companies continued to trade with the enemy during the war and sought thereafter to protect their assets. . . The role of the Dulles brothers , John Foster and Allen, in the creation of cartels and what would become the Hitler project dates back to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 , which was brought to Germany full responsibility of the First World War. As a result , she lost 13.5 % of its territory before 1914 and was sentenced to pay war reparations. In an attempt to honor the German economy was bled white during the 20s , leading ultimately to the fall of the Weimar Republic . The worsening of depression in the early 30s and contributed to the rise to power of Hitler . Go back to the time of the First The role of the Dulles brothers , John Foster and Allen, in the creation of cartels and what would become the Hitler project dates back to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 , which made wear Germany the sole responsibility of the First World War. As a result , she lost 13.5 % of its territory before 1914 and was sentenced to pay war reparations. In an attempt to honor the German economy was bled white during the 20s , leading ultimately to the fall of the Weimar Republic . The worsening of depression in the early 30s and contributed to the rise to power of Hitler . Go back to the time of World War I, Allan Dulles is sent to Berne (Switzerland) by his uncle, Robert Lansing, then Secretary of State of President Woodrow Wilson , where he was in charge of intelligence to the American Legation . Through the same uncle, the Dulles brothers take part in the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles .

In 1920 , Allen Dulles will be appointed first secretary of the U.S. embassy in Berlin. His brother, lawyer John Foster Dulles, represent the interests of the Bank of England and JPMorgan in Europe after the war. In spring 1920 , following the Versailles negotiations , John Foster met Hjalmar Schacht ( 1877-1970 ) at the time a junior officer with the German banking authority created by the Allies and later became the architect of the ‘ Nazi war economy based on forced labor.


Since 1919, John Foster Dulles was the lawyer for Richard Merton , founder of the most important of these cartels, the Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben (IG Farben ) . In 1924, he was chosen by JPMorgan to implement the Dawes plan for reorganization in negotiations with Schacht, payment of war reparations. In 1926 , he became executive director of Sullivan and Cromwell , the law firm of all cartels . Training Since 1919, John Foster Dulles was the lawyer for Richard Merton , founder of the most important of these cartels, the Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben (IG Farben ) . In 1924, he was chosen by JPMorgan to implement the Dawes plan for reorganization in negotiations with Schacht, payment of war reparations. In 1926 , he became executive director of Sullivan and Cromwell , the law firm of all cartels . Cartels From 1926 to 1929 , the plan Schacht – Dulles- Morgan leads to a series of arrangements involving the largest number of British, American and German companies. The two main cartels are the IG Farben chemical trust and the International Steel Cartel , whose creation is indebted to foreign loans amounting to $ 800 million granted under the Dawes Plan , to cartelise chemistry and the German steel industry. These loans are managed three quarters by three Wall Street firms : Dillon, Read & Co. , Harris, Forbes & Co. and National City. In 1925 , IG Farben includes six of Germany’s largest chemical producers. In August 1927 , Standard Oil conclude with him a joint program of research and development on hydrogenation ( production of gasoline from coal ) method discovered by a German scientist in 1909. In 1928 , Henry Ford merged his German assets with those of IG Farben . On 9 November 1929 , an international petrochemical cartel will be created following the marriage of IG Farben with the British ICI and Shell Oil, and American Standard Oil and Dupont .




Lorsqu’éclate WWII , IG Farben had cartel agreements with 2,000 companies worldwide , including Ford Motor Co., Alcoa , General Motors, Texaco and Procter & Gamble , to name a quelquesunes .

In 1926 , the International Steel Cartel opens offices in Luxembourg. It will provide a true  » private policeman » World steel trade de1926 1939. Its German component , which includes the four grosproducteurs domestic steel is called Vereinigte Stahlwerke . Directed parErnst Poensgen , Fritz Thyssen , Otto Wolff and others, this group will receive $ 100 million from private investors in the United States . Dillon , Read & Co. , the company’s New York investment Clarence Dillon, JamesV.Forrestal H.Draper and William , Jr., deals with the issue of obligations.Lors the signing of the first international agreement, the September 30, 1926 , all sponsors of the cartel boast that the first step towards laformation  » U.S. economic Europe  » has been franchi.Douze years later, nearly 90 % of the iron and steel sold in niveauinternational is under the control of the steel Cartel . Besides ledirige Germany , Austria , Poland , Czechoslovakia, the United Kingdom and the United States are involved, even if it is prohibited U.S. companies USSteel , Bethlehem and Republic to sign agreements formal , otherwise violate U.S. antitrust laws .


Montague Norman


Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England from 1919 to 1944 , was the main proponent of the creation of independent central banks. As the Bank of England, the German Reichsbank belonged to private interests. It was directed by a protégé of Montagu Norman, Hjalmar Schacht, of 1923 to 1930 and again from 1933 ( after the takeover of Hitler) until 1939, when he gave way to Walther Funk . Germany had six commercial banks and investment centralized : 1) Bank der Deutschen Arbeit , created by the Nazis , 2) Reichs Kredit Gesellschaft , 3) Berliner Handelsgesellschaft , 4) Commerzbank and 5) and 6 ) both giants that were Dresdner Bank and Deutsche Bank. These last two activities combined bank deposit and investment practice prohibited in the United States , which was their strength. They were also directly linked to IG Farben : the only director of chemical giant came from outside was Edward Mosler , Deutsche Bank, and is a former IG Farben, Carl Pfeiffer, who was appointed director of the Dresdner Bank . Apart from these centralized placement : 1) Bank der Deutschen Arbeit , created by the Nazis , 2) Reichs Kredit Gesellschaft , 3) Berliner Handelsgesellschaft , 4) Commerzbank and 5) and 6) the two giants that were the Dresdner Bank and Deutsche Bank. These last two activities combined bank deposit and investment practice prohibited in the United States , which was their strength. They were also directly linked to IG Farben : the only director of chemical giant came from outside was Edward Mosler , Deutsche Bank, and is a former IG Farben, Carl Pfeiffer, who was appointed director of the Dresdner Bank .




Apart from these six big banks, there were several banking companies in collective name, small but important , JH Stein Bankhaus which Cologne , led by Baron Kurt Schröder . After the war, devaitdécouvrir at least 20 major guiding cartels, whose vonSchnitzler Baron and Otto Wolff, IG Farben, and Friedrich Flick, of laVereinigte Stahlwerke ( United Steelworks ) , carried out regular dépôtssur a special account this bank , called « Special Account S ». When the SS leader Heinrich Himmler needed money, donateursdéposaient money on this account which was then used to fund SS . According to surveys , von Schnitzler are regularly provided funds for an amount of at least $ 40 000 per year , as Friedrich Flick . Apart from these private banks , international synarchist had at his disposal an instrument of choice for the establishment of cartels : the Bank for International Settlements (BIS ) located in Basel. Since its inception, and until today , it is nicknamed the  » bankers’ bank « . In contrast to the design of the American system of national banks, the BIS is based on the Anglo-Dutch central banking model beyond the control of sovereign nation states.




The BIS was founded in 1930 under the Young Plan by international central banks, including the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve of the United States , at the initiative of Hjalmar Schacht , director of the Reichsbank . He could count on the support of Montagu Norman, himself recommended by Baron Bruno Schroder of the British branch of the J. Henry Schroder Bank. Schroder ‘s partner Frank Cyril Tiarks , was the co-director of the Bank of England alongside Norman, throughout Lacarrière latter .



American and British funds to support Hitler’s accession to power and finance , eventually , his war machine , passed through the BIS.


Always on oil



Winston Churchill said in 1919 in the House of Commons .  » There is no doubt that the Allies were unable to navigate to the victory on the uninterrupted flow of oil  » …  » Exxon is charged twice in 1941 by the U.S. Department of Justice, and some experts who had access to the records, accusing the oil giant for providing the third Reich trade secrets vital . But enormous pressure on the government by influential members near the Congress Exxon lead to a settlement agreement : Exxon , which has made huge profits through its collaboration with the Nazis, was sentenced to pay a fine of 50,000 dollars … « 


1972 Interview with Albert Speer, Hitler ‘s favorite , who was the architect, confidant, then Minister of Munitions and Industrial Production of the Third Reich: « Do you know , ‘he said carefully unfolded his large towel, which was our biggest handicap ? (expresses himself as a technician retired) well, he continues , it was oil. well before the start of the war , Hitler repeated that it was our Achilles heel. This is why we developed very successfully synthetic gasoline , which in 1940 accounted for half of our military supplies .  » (…) But why, under these conditions , whereas previously you had to fight on many fronts, have invaded the Soviet Union (…)  » Precisely for this reason : to get their hands on oil supplies controlled by Moscow in the . Caucasus I know many other reasons have been put forward , but I can tell you it was for Hitler the first priority: we provide fuel , prohibit Russian units to do the same , then take . the control of the oil fields of Iran The offensive was launched in early 1942 , but unfortunately it failed near Baku . « 


« The U.S. oil in 1945 , played a decisive role in the Allied victory , as in 1918 : 68 % of world supply came from the United States. « 


To follow … !


( Sources: personal researches)






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