Fukushima threatens the world

À Fukushima,un niveau record  de radiation a été découvert dans la laine isolante d'un toit.
At Fukushima, a record level of radiation was discovered in the insulation of a roof.

Radiation levels continue to rise in and around the Fukushima Daiichi plant, and critical information that could maddened crowd, do not come out in the media. Environmental agencies in Japan, the European Union and the United States have all raised the acceptable level of radiation, which proves that this disaster in the world is totally « filtered » and a « cover up » is course.

Les radiations s'étendent maintenant à tout le Pacifique.
Radiation is now spread throughout the Pacific.

FUKUSHIMA, July 6, 2013After more than two years, the levels of radioactive cesium found in moss on a roof in the center of Fukushima exceeded 1.7 million becquerels, the highest concentrations detected in one year, according to researchers and.

Ryoji Enomoto, associate professor at the University of Tokyo Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, who led the team, said that levels of radioactive cesium were exceptionally high in the samples.

Afin d'étudier les effets de la fonte des réacteurs nucléaires,on perce afin de recueuillir des échantillons.
To study the effects of melting nuclear reactors, are drilled to take samples.
Voici  des échantillons pris à la base des murs de rétentions.Il y a eu une  forte infiltration  de métal en fusion ,particulièrement  de l'uranium 237 provenant des barres de fusion des réacteurs.Il semble  que le combustible a fondu à plusieurs milliers de dégrés puis a coulé comme  une mer de lave ver les murs...et vers la mer.Tout le sol auour des centrales ,serait à décontaminer.
Here are some samples taken at the base of walls rétentions.Il there was a strong infiltration of molten metal, particularly of uranium 237 from bars melting réacteurs.Il seems that the fuel melted at thousands of degrees and flowed like a sea of ​​lava worm walls and towards the sea
All ground auour central, would be decontaminated.

The city is located more than 50 kilometers from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant crippled.

La zone évacuée est insuffisante:il faudrait 75 kilomètres au moins,alors que seulement  40 kilomètres environ ont été évacués.C'est  environ 25 millions de personnes qu'il faudrait relocaliser.
The evacuation area is insufficient: it would at least 75 km, while only about 40 km were évacués.C is about 25 million people should be relocated.
Une vaste zone a été évacuée,mais elle reste totalement insuffisante.
A large area was evacuated, but it is totally inadequate.


« The cleanup encompassing large areas are important, but it is also important to find places where radiation levels are high locally using simplified measurement tools and decontaminate the scene, » said Enomoto. « This will help to reassure people, » he said.

Une nouvelle variété de champignon ...en mutation.
A new variety of mushroom in mutation.


Les champignons en mutations dévorent les racines des arbres dans le sol...et ceux-ci s'abatrtent au sol.
Mushrooms, mutations devour the roots of trees in the ground and they fall down to the ground.


Enomoto measured radioactivity levels here in this hellish place, June 8 The researchers used a simplified camera to detect gamma radiation.

A non-profit group based in the city confirmed the initial results, their tests have detected 1.78 million becquerels of cesium.

Radiation levels of about 0.5 microsieverts per hour were measured one meter above the foam.

The government of the city of Fukushima plans to decontaminate the building, officials said contacted téléphone.Si we understand, these people are no longer in official statements.


Un niveau de radioactivité si élevé que certains poissons  dégagent une lumière dans la nuit.
A radioactivity level so high that some fish emit light at night.


TOKYO High levels of cesium detected yet never before come to be découvers in fish off the coast of Fukushima, Japon.Ces rates suggest that radioactive particles from the nuclear disaster in 2011, has accumulated on the bottom and can contaminate marine life for decades, according to a new study. Because cesium tends not to stay very long in the tissues of marine fish ., And because high levels of radiation were detected most frequently on groundfish It is also likely that fish are newly infected by cesium on the seabed, Mr. Buesseler wrote in a scientific paper. As much as four-fifths of radioactive substances released from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power are expected to have fallen at sea, either blown or released directly into the ocean water used to cool the reactor site following the accident. The ocean currents were quickly dispersed radioactivity, and readings taken on seawater off the coast of Fukushima had returned to levels close to normal last year. But the fish caught in the area continue to show high readings for radioactive cesium, which is associated with an increased risk of cancer in humans.


De nouvelles mutations apparaissent continuellement...et ceci donne naissance à de nouvelles espèces...de la  mauvaise vie!
New mutations occur continuously and this gives rise to new species the bad life!

How it affects us you may be wondering? If you eat fish, you might be affected. We receive a large quantity of our seafood from Japan and we know that there is no level of radiation is safe for humans. Since you can not be 100% safe, the best approach would be to severely limit your intake of fish.


Les enfants,les chats et tout ce qui est vivant est menacé par les radiations.
Children, cats and all that is living is threatened by radiation



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